DIY Kayak Blind
For the 2023 season, I made a blind for the kayak using plastic fencing and PVC pipe. I covered the fencing material with camouflage netting from the military-surplus store. Final concealment using fistfuls of cattails and reed canary grass zip-tied into place to match the shoreline habitat where I hunt.
Laying out the the fence material and cutting it to size.
3/4-inch PVC pipe stringers zip-tied into place to support the fencing material, then topped with the camouflage netting (which was also zip-tied into place). The purpose of the camo netting is to provide a base layer to conceal the colors of the boat.
Decked out with fistfuls of grass and cattails to break up the outline of the boat and blend with the surroundings.
Looks well concealed from above.