Duck Hunting Without Decoys

Sometimes during the late season, it seems like the ducks will avoid anything that looks remotely close to a decoy spread. All the while, there are certain places that consistently hold birds. To avoid flaring ducks, is it unreasonable to consider hunting the X without setting a single block?


It’s January on the upper Columbia River and the ducks are savvy to our playbook. This area has received steady pressure since mid October, and the mallards and wigeon have seen it all: big spreads, little spreads, goose-only spreads, diver spreads, jerk strings, spinning wings, loud calling, soft calling, and no calling at all. We’re not striking out, but it is getting harder and harder to entice these birds into gunning range.


On top of having educated ducks, this winter’s weather has been relatively mild. It seems that the birds that flew in during December are sticking around. Without harsh temps or deep snow to drive them south, they’ve learned where to find food and shelter—and how to avoid hunters. 


Despite all this, scouting has revealed that certain places attract ducks on most days, in most weather, all season long. It got me thinking: was it possible to hunt those particular spots using stealth instead of a spread? Without decoys, the ducks might not be so apprehensive about coming in. With stealth, it would be more of an ambush strategy—similar to how turkey and deer are often taken—where concealment is key. 


I have tried this approach and had success. I’ve found that in the absence of decoys, you must get as close to the X as physically possible since there is no way to block or guide birds into a predetermined landing area. This strategy requires patience, perseverance, and a good hide. Small panel blinds made of natural vegetation can provide effective, portable concealment in these situations. Special tactics, such as ghillie-style garments, are well suited for this sit-and-wait approach. It’s not for everyone, but maybe it will work for you when your other plays leave you skunked.


All the Best to You,


Jordan Sanford